The Sweet Lyfe

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Sunday, July 5, 2009

Cancel Your Cell Phone & Avoid Fees

I have 3 lines on my cell phone plan and I'm only using one. I'm going to try this and keep you all posted on how it goes. I think it will work out fine though.

If you’re looking to cancel your current cell phone plan

, but are not looking to pay hundreds in cancellation contract fees, check out cellswapper.

How it works: If you hate your cell phone plan because you get bad service in your area or need to cancel to join up with say, your new partner’s plan, BUT you have months left on your contract, you can post your plan at cellswapper and once someone decides you have the plan for them, they take it over. There are perks on both sides because you won’t have to pay fees and the other person won’t have to pay activation.

Additionally, if you’re swapping into a plan, you could end up with a much shorter plan, say three months as opposed to a year, which is cool if you’re not sure if you’ll like a specific plan. Many of the plans available for swap in also offer free phones and or SIM cards.

Learn more about swapping into a plan.

Visit cellswapper.


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